Thursday, December 15, 2005

Expecting: the Worst Possible Defense Mechanism

You know what? I know that getting back into ministry isn't going to be the easiest road in the world to walk. It's amazing, Getting into it in the first place was a cinch. I needed almost no qualifications other than a GLCC degree (which we all are aware of the infinite value of). Needless (or needles?) to say, I never expected it to be easy. As if I were going to make an announcement and the doors would just fly open "WELCOME BACK, BRANDON!!"

I look at my life now, and I know for certain that I'm a much better qualified person to do the actual "job" than I was five years ago. But I understand the circumstances of my personal failures don't add up to the "without fault" category of church leadership in some circles.

My personal belief is that because of my shortcomings and failures and the work I have had to do and the healing God had to do I am more qualified than I ever was before and have experience to help others that not many ministers have.

I like what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 1. Essentially he tells his followers in Corinth that he and his cohort have gone through all kinds of terrible things for the comfort of the church. I can give comfort because of the comfort I was given. It's great. I can point hurting people to the healing I experienced (and the healing I'm still in need of).

One thing through my whole experience is that I found that the church I was in (granted it was only a megachurch of 6000 members with over 500 staff members) really didnt have the resources to adequately "deal" with my problem. I was embarrassed, hurt, confused and I felt abandoned by my church friends. Now that I seem to be on an upswing emotionally, and on more solid ground, do my church friends and family try to approach me. I think negative hurt dark Brandon scared people. He scared me.

Anyway. Older. Wiser. and Way more interesting Brandon is here for good. Holla.


Anonymous said...

Hey Brandon. Good to find you. I will pray for you and so will my youth group. Something I am coming ot realize is that we are a church as a whole, and must work for each other.

Brandon Caroland said...

See, now that is what I'm talking about. I'm getting positive feedback from the two guys who got the most ridicule from me in Bible College (besides Nathan Prong And Randy Peasely And Eric Christian And Fat Mallot, I mean Matt Fallot). I am humbled beyond belief.

Brandon Caroland said...

The Matt Fallot Joke takes some of the credibility out of my humility gesture, but it was kinda worth it.