Monday, November 15, 2004


I guess that the word is out. I am not that good at many things, but I do like to listen to a wide variety of music. Wider than most, but not so wide as to ever include Country. Ever. My neck is red enough without adding that ignorant artless crap to my forte. Am I speaking plainly enough?

For Switchfoot fans, I just saw a box CD at FYE of their first three albums for $24. Which means you can get it cheaper than that if you are keen.

Speaking of keen, I think my next purchase will be Keane. I enjoy their sadness. I am totally addicted to "One Click Shopping" on I keep buying used CD's at ridiculously low prices and paying astronomical shipping for these products. I'm still making out like a bandit.

A true friend would want to buy me the new U2 signature iPod.

Am I the only one who's ever heard the Japanese version of Sixpence Nonethericher's "Kiss Me"? Talk about surreal and creepy.

Leigh Nash is cool, but not when she sings Japanese. It's so weird.

I bought the new Skillet CD. Its good. Its not life-changing good, but it's good. Its not really inspiring, but it's good. They sound like what Linkin Park would sound like if they didn't rap. Sort of. I don't know. Its solid hard rock, passionate, just not connecting with me deeply.

I got the new Jimmy Eat World CD. It is amazing. Right where I am. I preordered U2 and reordered The Joshua Tree (again on Amazon). I can't play my copy anymore so I needed a new one.

Since I can't find my Bible I went out and spent $30 on a new one. It is the first time in years that I've had a Bible without study notes. I am so happy. It's like I'm free of other people's opinions about what I'm reading. I can read it and just enjoy it. I don't have to listen to some half-rate Bible scholar's opinion about TULIP or eternal security or speaking in tongues or whatever. Clear the noise.

I saw Jimmy Eat World on Letterman the other night. They are so cool.

U2 will be On Saturday Night Live This weekend singing songs from the new Album. Needless to say, I'm excited. They are always good on SNL.

I got to hear Jay Z's black album. It was good. I got to hear it on the Gray album. Jay Zs vocals played over the Beatle's White Album. Another surreal moment. My friend, Betsy says that there is a Black and Blue album too. Where Jay Z's pirated vocals are played over pirated songs from Weezer's blue album. I guess that's what Jay Z gets for putting out an a capella rap album. Loser.

The New Pornographers are really growing on me. I keep hearing their songs on LAUNCH. They have guy songs and chick songs. And they harmonize. Yay! Still no porno. (keeps fingers crossed).

Talk to you guys later


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jay z s black album is quite possibly the best thing that ever happened 2 music!!!!!! there is not one song that doesn't completely just set it off!! i mean seriously !!!

Rob Furman