Wednesday, November 10, 2004


"My High School Dreams are Gone,
My Childhood Sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesnt last for long"

So if life is short, then why do I spend so much time bored out of my skull?

I take full responsibility for the things I don't blame others for. Yogi, you have my permission to steal that one.

Tom told me that if I spaced my words out, he'd have less of a difficult time reading them.

Switchfoot says everything is gone, or will be. I agree.

For so long I've compartmentalized my life. Spirituality for my spiritual life. Humor for the funny life. Great Lakes Friends. Work Friends. Jesus friends. Satan friends. Family. Enemies.

I realize now that I really don't have time to manage the separation. I hear this song and I reflect on what's gone and what isn't.

My high school dreams are gone. I get it.
My college dreams are gone.
My family dreams are gone.
My career dreams are gone.

Then I realized. Dreams aren't real. So what if they are gone?

What I've really lost are some close friends, my wife, my connection to anything.

Humility in small doses would be a welcome lesson. The Lord has really been generous in his doses of this magnificent reality. I've eaten my hero's portion of humility.

Why do I always feel like I'm one random thought away from depression?

I just want some safety. I should put together a resume. Like a friendship/relationship resume. What would that look like? Definitely an interesting topic. Maybe for a later blog. Skills, experience, education, job description. All that sort of thing.

Maybe I should post a job on WANTED: a reliable, trustworthy friend within 20 miles of Detroit. Doesn't pay well, but the benefits are incredible!!!!

Just a thought.


shannoncaroland said...

"I've eaten my hero's portion of humility." Great line... very ironic.

Anonymous said...

you have satan friends?

Brandon Caroland said...

Satan friends: Friends who like you for your entertainment value. Friends who don't really care about your eternal happiness. Friends who encourage you to do discouraging things. Friends who are there when you need them, just not how you need them. Convenient friends of pleasure. Fair-weather friends. The prodigal's friends.